Although making a will enables your last wishes to be made known, you should ensure that your will can be found quickly and easily when the need arises.
At Rockwills, we also offer Proffesional Custody Service for your Will with Rockwills Trustee Berhad. Our unique retrieval service will ensure that your will can be found quickly and easily when the need arises.
A far better answer is to use our Professional Will Custody Service.
Here’s why:-
- Prevent tampering and preserve confidentiality
- Safe from calamities such as fire and flood
- Free from accidental or deliberate destruction.
- Controlled access with speical Custody Identification Cards
- Unique retrieval system with Personal Bar Coded Custody Card
- Certain to be found when needed
- Lifetime discount for rewriting your Will
- Complimentary Accidental Death coverage of up to RM40,000 provides additional funds to your loved ones.
- Will custody centre with Humidity control, CCTV and bio-metrics security
- Tight security measures are enforced, including Biometrics, Electronic Tracking and Regular Audits, to ensure your will is kept secure at all times.
- To prevent tampering of any kind, every page of your will is Security Embossed to ensure its authenticity.
- With Lifetime Plus we act as your executor and you enjoy a legal fee subsidy of up to RM6,000 for probate.
- A digital code generated is unique for each individual and this ensures the accurate identification of your will.
Together with the Professional Will-Writing Services, it forms the other core service of the company, where the Wills written are kept securely on an annual or lifetime basis to enable the Testator and Executor of the Will to gain access to the Will when needed. All our Testators are also issued special Will Custody cards for easy reference. We will also give them a copy of our unique “Personal Assets Inventory Booklet” to help them organize and track their assets and liabilities.
A Will is perhaps the most important document that can ensure your wishes come true and protect the well-being of your loved ones when you are not around. Protecting it and ensuring that it can be found are of utmost importance. Documents can be misplaced or lost, so can your Will. A Will which cannot be found is as good as having none.
A Will is the best way to ensure that your instructions for the well-being of your family are carried out when you are no longer around. But writing a Will is only half of the story. The other half is keeping it in a secure place. Some people hide their Will so well it is as good as lost! Most people would keep it in a bank safe deposit box. Not a good idea when it comes to a Will. Simply because when the account holder is no longer around, the deposit box and everything in it will be frozen. What can your family do then?

Our controlled access and unique retrieval system will also ensure your Will can be located and passed to the right person when it is needed.
This exclusive service encompasses Professional Will-Writing and Professional Will Custody Services that will benefit our clients, which gives our clients a lifetime 20% discount for subsequent unlimited rewriting of their Wills.
The Professional Will Custody Services offered are:
- Professional Will Custody Service
- National Will Custody Service
A Will is the best way to ensure that your instructions for the well-being of your family are carried out when you are no longer around. But writing a Will is only half of the story. The other half is keeping it in a secure place where it can be found.How often have you looked for old stuff after many years and moving of office or home? The tendency is to forget where documents are kept. In fact, many people hide their Will so well it is as good as lost! Some may keep the document in a bank safe deposit box. Not a good idea when it comes to a will. Simply because when the account holder is no longer around, the deposit box and everything in it will be fronzen. There is also the risk that whoever finds the Will may not be happy with what is instructed and destroy the Will in favour of an earlier Will or apply to court for distribution without a Will.
With our enhancements, Rockwills can now extend this useful Custody service to those who have written Wills through lawyers, financial intermediaries and other organizations, where their Wills can be kept securely at Rockwills Custody Centre.
They will also be issued with our special Will Custody Cards. Customers who believe in Will-writing can now enjoy total peace of mind when their Wills are kept safely and securely at Rockwills Custody Center.